You can see my untidy condo, that I have to clean up before my dinner party tonight! Check out the detail on the shirt. A little lace flower with sparkles and sequins. J'adore anything with lace.

These are my favourite high waisted jeans. They are so comfortable and I love the wash on them.

These are the worlds most fabulous boots. SO comfortable and SO warm.
They were the best find ever at a vintage store in guelph. Great for tromping around the city after a snow storm.

Coat: Winners
Boots: Vintage seal skin boots, from Meow in Guelph
Necklace: You've Got Hattitude circa 2009 Get a piece by clicking here.
Watch: Second hand store
Rings: Flea market
Bracelets: You've Got Hattitude Jewellery Get a bracelet by clicking here
Shirt: Winners
Sweater: American Eagle
Clutch: Gift from Friend
Awesome watch! I'll make sure to try and get a 'World Wednesday' photo to you, I've been a total slacker!