This weekend I did the spring seasonal closet flip. I got rid of 1 whole bag of clothing to donate to good will. (Now I have more room in my closet for all the cute new spring fashions out!)
On Saturday, I took a look at my clothing rack and purged the big wooly sweaters, and heavy knit dresses into a more suitable place for the coming months. (under my bed folded into a Tupperware container) For Spring, my jean jacket, floral print skirts and cotton dresses traded lives with their counter wool sweaters and cashmere dresses. My seal skin vintage boots, fur trimmed leather knee highs, and snow boots were replaced with their converse opposites, my cowboy boots, ked shoes and brogue flats, soon found life breathed back into them as they were positioned and lovingly looked at onto my shoe rack. Spring….has come…and sprung into my wardrobe.
With every season flip flop that us Canadian girls do, we have to be careful to not have the reversal seasonal flip flop. Now that my wool sweaters are amorously packed away in Tupperware containers surrounded in moth balls, (so next season I won’t have any new surprise holes, I hate that) we have to be careful not to end up wearing our spring dresses with a parka overtop to work, if the weather all of a sudden decides to switch back to the -teens. This is why the seasonal closet flip has always been a delicate one. When is the right time for the seasonal closet flip? Will you jinx the weather by flipping your closet too early, too late? Will the weather hold? Is it like the old saying, “if you take your umbrella on vacation, it won’t rain, but if you leave it at home, it will pour”? If we do the seasonal closet flip just in time, not too early, not too late, when the warm weather has been here for a few weeks, are we now guaranteed to continue to have warm weather, because we took the initiative? Do the Fashion Gods, play a role in the temperature? We changed out our seasonal clothes, so now the weather has to continue to be warm. Right? Right. Let’s pretend and put energy into the idea that this is the case. Maybe the seasons closet flip (which sometimes can be a daunting task, if you collect wool frocks, jumpers, and sweaters like I do) has more of a play in the weather then we think. Perhaps the Fashion Gods have a say in the weather, so ladies, do the seasonal closet flip soon, so the weather will continue to stay warm! Cheers to sunny days, drinks on the patio, and flowers being in ready supply! Spring into Gorgeous!